Friday, May 17, 2019

Week 4: Make It Count

      Elder Bruce C. Hafen, a general authority in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, addressed the subject of covenant marriage in the November publication of the Ensign magazine in 1996 (Elder Hafen's full speech). He pointed out a few remarkable differences between a contract marriage and a covenant one. Usually, couples in a contractual marriage only give 50% to each other and also believe they should walk away from their marriage if they feel unsatisfied or unhappy. On  the other hand, couples in a covenant marriage give each other 100% and they marry one another with the purpose of growing together and bringing children into this world. Elder Hafen further says: "Covenant marriage requires a total leap of faith: they must keep their covenants without knowing what risks that may require of them. They must surrender unconditionally, obeying God and sacrificing for each other."Elder Hafen's full speech
      Elder Hafen also describes three kinds of wolves that test every marriage repeatedly: natural adversity, personal imperfections, and excessive individualism. If I had to pick one of these problems that negatively affect marriages and also our society, I would choose excessive individualism. Sadly, I see a lot of marriages that either end because one of the spouses (mostly women) feel bored and useless while raising their young children at home, or young girls who are in no rush to marry because they are financially independent and feel good about themselves. Getting married and raising children is slowly becoming less desirable. Just this past weekend I had a conversation with one of my friends who is a beautiful 27 years old woman with a college degree in Information Technology and has a well paying job. She said she wants to eventually get married, but she likes feeling independent and feels terrified of the idea of being a stay-at-home mother.
      President Ezra Taft Benson taught during an address given at the Logan Temple Centennial, 17 May 1984, about the importance of teaching our children about temples (Whole speech). How can we expect our youth to desire to enter the temple if we don't take the time to properly teach them about the importance of temple ordinances? As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we believe the priesthood of God has been on the earth since the beginning of times through Adam and his posterity. When we enter the holy temples of God, we make covenants with Him. When we keep the commandments and obey our covenants, the Lord promises us eternal blessings.
      I know the Lord offers blessings to all of His sons and daughters equally. Men and women are created to complete and perfect each other. Elder Bednar said "For divine purposes, male and female spirits are different, distinctive, and complementary" (Full talk). I see it in my own marriage how both my husband and I contribute to our relationship in unique ways. We complete each other and we also help one another see and understand things from different perspectives that we wouldn't see if we were not together. Every child should benefit from both a mother and a father's love, positive influence, and support. A covenant marriage is beneficial for both the couple and their offspring because they are committed to each other and they guide their lives after the Savior's way. (Links to an external site.))Links to an external site.

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